So...Three Bags Full present ideas. Last year one enterrpising and lovely customer brought her family in, made a few encouraging noises in the vicinty of various yarns and then discreetly disappeared while they bought what they'd surmised she'd like! Others went the more direct route of 'That's what I'd like...' However subtle or unsubtle the hints you like to drop, you could take the risk out of the operation by requesting Three bags Full gift vouchers. They start from £5 and don't have an expiry date so if we're still here in 2035 you'll be able to use them then, should you so wish.

A few things for younger knitters might be the knitting kits (just £5), or you could team up the children's needles (£1.20) with a ball of Crilly (£1.50) for an inexpensive and long-lasting gift. We also have some very dignified and high quality soft toy sheep for sale (£8.75), plus a few of the tiny lambs (£2.45) left.
For adults and children alike we have some knitted up Loopy scarves - these are £5.50 for the small adult/child version and £12.50 for the adult. Also neckwarmers, cravats and headbands at a variety of prices. These have all been knitted in best quality wools and wool/alpaca mixes.
There are knitting kits (starting at £12.50) for beginners and more experienced knitters. I can make these up with whatever yarns and needles etc you'd like or alternatively can make up kits for your crocheting friends.

And don't forget the fun and lovely Max Alexander woolly jewellery - prices range from £6.50 to £10. We have the non-sparkly versions in the shop and the sparkly ones online, and will soon be stocking Max's new design.
Not a knitter? Okay, well, we have some great sheepy notelets for £3.50!

Lots more - come and look, or browse at And don't forget for avid knitters the ideal present can be just simply a hank of exquisite yarn that they maybe wouldn't treat themselves to.