Anyway, not having taken my coat off in Three Bags Full for several days (and wearing handwarmers and a scarf to boot most days - I wonder if Father Christmas will bring me a more powerful heater for Christmas?) and looking forward to getting cosy at home for a few days, it seems a good time to let you know the opening hours over Christmas.
Okay: we'll be open till 7.30 on the 23rd December (last of the late night Thursdays), then closed from 24th Dec till 30th December inclusive. I don't know about you but Christmas Eve's my favourite day of the whole holiday and we always try to have all our shopping done before then, so I've awarded myself the day off and will be sitting at home with hot chocolate or red wine, depending on the temperature. I'll be back in the shop from 10am till 4pm on the 31st Dec 2010 and 1st Jan 2011, then we'll be closed the 2nd and 3rd, and back to normal on the 4th.
Just a reminder: we have Three Bags Full gift vouchers available at £5 each. They make a great present for knitting/crocheting friends or a great suggestion to your nearest and dearest if you'd like to receive a knittery present but can't trust them to choose on your behalf!
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