Every so often on ravelry there's a 'someone stole my pattern!' thread. They vary from people caught selling photocopies of someone else's design (downright illegal) to people taking a little more inspiration from a previous pattern than was wise (bit cheeky) to two designers having very similar ideas at exactly the same time. That's not so unlikely, is it? But how wonderful is this? I was flicking through a new pattern book from Designer Yarns two days ago - I'm not sure if the pattern book's even been released yet - and saw 'my' scarf!! This one!

Okay, so the pattern isn't really for my scarf. But it is for a scarf that looks similar to this one above, which I put together in July with a view to selling. I didn't have a good look at the book; it was the rep's copy. It could be - okay, it's pretty likely - that the professional version is way superior to mine. But mine's okay too. For a second or two there I felt like a budding designer. Then I remembered it's a scarf, for heaven's sake. Just a little scarf. (And also yes, there's an element of not being fit to lace whoever's boots - look, I was just tickled, that's all I'm saying!)
Anyway, I'll post the pattern when I find it so you can make yourselves one if you'd like. Alternatively you can buy one of these two from my folksy shop when I sort out the listing.
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