Wednesday, 6 November 2013

A moving experience

Wool shop life continues with a run of good and bad, which is probably how it's meant to be.

The card machine works again, against all the odds it seems, and the providers have offered a rent-free month in recompense. Small yippee for that, as it's clearly the least they could do.

We have lots of new stock - new colours in established lines and some stuff that's completely new. Lots of it being added super quickly to the website. And plenty more to come. Still get that child-in-a-sweet-shop feeling every time a new box arrives.

And the Christmas lights switch on will be in the Piece Hall this year. Yay!!

The move into new premises is under less helpful stars and we've now been told it'll be after Christmas before the building's ready. Oh, and the landlord's not going to paint the walls. So we'll have at most a few days for painting, carpet-fitting and moving out before our Piece Hall deadline in mid-Jan. Not a lot of leeway there, n'est-ce pas? Let's hope they don't find any endangered bats or anything in residence, or we'll be well and truly scuppered. Oh, and despite our hopes, there'll be no central heating in the new place. The boiler's too old and unfit for any heavy work so it'll be electric heaters only again, altho' it'll surely be warmer without an door leading straight in from outside and letting in occasional snow flurries...

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