Saturday, 1 March 2014

Teeny, tiny...

12" circular needles! Yes, you could make a sock on these. Or possibly a wrist-warmer. Needles with a built-in discretion factor - great for knitting in the pub. Or at the park. Or under the desk at work.

This is my fledgling baby hat, knitting up so much easier than on dpns. They're made of stainless steel and cost £5.95, and IMO are well worth it for the satisfaction and ease of far fewer pointy bits.

Photo: Feels like spring this morning - at least I walked down to the shop without a hat - so here's my own version of teeny tiny knitting. As miniature as I get anyway: cotton DK being knitted into a baby hat on a 12" circular needle. If you like knitting in the round, but aren't so keen on might like to give these a go for the little items that are too small for regular circulars. 
(The wool's a sample ball of the new Debbie Bliss flecky cotton, Juliet. Very lovely, altho' I haven't bought any yet for stock. What do you think? - anyone got any strong feeling about flecky cottons?)

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