I thought if we're going to make daffodils in early May, I'd better re-familiarise myself with the pattern - these are what I've managed so far. Of course, making the trumpet for the true daffy in mohair was a big mistake; it's too dirty a yellow and too heavy for the bend in the stalk straw which means upright and unsupported it tends to droop like the odd one or two saddo flowers you always seem to get in a supermarket bunch. A lesson learned. And I should've made that one in all yellow. Obviously I should - why am I only thinking of that now? Another lesson learned. The other one - the more narcissussy one - is pretty, but I should've joined the yellow part with an overstitch rather than a bulky back seam.

So, by 2nd May I'll be well-versed in the pattern and ready to advise.
Who's coming along?
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