...as Firefox always tells me when it can't connect me to my chosen website.

A couple of weeks ago, the SixtyMillionTrebles facebook group was discussing flipping and skewing. As in, when you're crocheting a granny square blanket or similar, do you go round and round forever in the same direction or do you get to the end of a round and then flip your work over so that you're crocheting back the other way? I must say this latter option sounded bizarre to me, but seemingly it stops the centre of your blanket from getting skewed. Oh, I said, airily, I don't flip, but I don't get skewed centres either. I wasn't smug exactly, but I was quietly confident. And then today, I finished this - my third Sixty Trebles blanket - and look at what we have: a skewed centre! Only in a minor way, but definitely skewed. That'll learn me.
So, there you are, an easy way to avoid getting skewed.
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