(credit bbc.co.uk)
So, in the meantime - with the Age UK Bobble Day knitting out of the way - a nice lady from Overgate Hospice called in recently to ask if we'd be interested in helping them knit a Christmas tree. The picture on the left's a bit misleading (you try googling for just the right kind of knitted Christmas tree before you're even out of your jammies on a Sunday morning!) but what's planned is a ten foot high green tree-shaped extravanganza, featuring 10" square leaves in various shades of green and soft toys to hang on the branches. And, when the festivities are over, the leaves - sewn into blankets - and the soft toys are all sold to raise further funds. So, that's one focus for our charity knitting sessions this year. If you fancy helping out, come along to the first Thursday afternoon group of every month, 2pmish.
The other thing we want to do is knit some squares for baby elephants to stop them getting sunstroke. Altogether now: aw!! Details of this one later.
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