First, there's going to be another Rag Market held at Bradshaw Church, Halifax, on 25th March. Anyone who came last time will know that there were some real bargains to be had, a wonderful atmosphere and some very nice cakes indeed. And we'll be there with some bargains of our own!

(Copyright: Stephen Craven)
Then, for your delectation and delight, as the guy on the Good Old Days used to say, there's an Easter Craft Market being held in the Piece Hall courtyard from Good Friday to Easter Sunday. If you're a bit crafty you might like to book a stall - dip your toe in the water with a one-day booking, or go the whole hog over the full three days. Three Bags Full is opening extra on Easter Sunday and also hoping to have a stall that day too. We're looking forward to it!
I'd love to offer you a link to more info but Blogger's up to its tricks so I'll just suggest you look at the Piece Hall website. The Craft Market's being organised jointly by Isobel in Creative Crystals and Christine in Sweet Memories, and either of them will be able to give you lots more info.
PS The photograph above was taken in the mid-eighties - it would be great to see the Piece Hall looking like this again!
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